Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In a New York State of Mind... latest Broadway World Blog entry ended up on #19 of the top 20 stories for today on the website, not too shabby all things considered. It was a busy day for stories with the announcement that Harvey Fierstein is going to be taking over for Topol in the national tour of Fiddler on the Roof (still torn on how I feel about that one, I'll have to revisit that topic) so I was happy to make the list. You can view the entry here:

For this evening, I'm getting away from theatre reviews a bit and starting to think about what I might like to do assuming I do get to NYC in December. I mean, there are a few standards (such as skating in Rockefeller Centre) but I'm thinking that I want to have a lot on my list. Might be the only time I get to go to New York at Christmas, and I want to make the most out of it.

So, I'm starting a preliminary list of shows I would potentially like to check out, as well as starting to think about tourist attractions and other things that might be worth looking at. I hear even just the holiday lights are amazing (and free, free is good).

Since I'm normally doing my adventures in Toronto (which I'm fairly familiar with) this has a new air of excitement because I don't know the city that well, so everything will essentially be new to me (except for Junior's cheesecake...I plan on returning there as I have definitely not forgotten that place from my last visit).

For this Broadway Baby, shows remain my number one thought. There are so many that I want to see that coming up with a list almost seems like a futile exercise, as it would probably just compromise every show currently on Broadway (and probably many off-Broadway shows too). So I'm going to start with a top ten, seems a bit more reasonable. And I'm going to force myself to put a reason for each of them. And I will be taking input and recommendations if anyone cares to weigh in.

And here are my current top 10:

1. Next to Normal: A no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. Still has the Original Broadway Cast, I love the score, and have always wanted to see Alice Ripley perform live. I just don't think I could forgive myself if I missed this one.

2. Hair: Another no-brainer. With three of my non-equity RENT tour faves now in the cast (Bryce, Hannah and Krystal) it seems only fitting to go and show my support. Also, I love Gavin Creel. Also, Caissie is Canadian, so I can show a bit of Canuck support. Plus, it's Hair. Who wouldn't want to check it out!

3. Jersey Boys: I've seen the TO cast so many times, and written many an article about them, it would be neat to compare and contrast. From what I've learned the productions are all very similar which says good things about the quality of the production team, but I would like to see for myself.

4. White Christmas: I'm going at Christmas, seems like an appropriate show to check out.

5. A Steady Rain: Ok, this one is purely selfish and materialistic...what can I say, I'm a girl, I'm single and it's Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig. I would be a bleeding idiot to not want to see that.

6. After Miss Julie: I have loved Johnny Lee Miller for as long as I can remember. Seriously, since grade school and Trainspotting I believe. Plus it looks fantastic, and I have to branch out, I'm always doing musicals, should try and get some plays in.

7.Rock of Ages: Sure, it's a corny jukebox musical BUT it's a corny jukebox musical that's coming to Toronto courtesy of Mirvish in 2010 with a Canadian cast. Which means auditions, and new faces and a possible hit sit-down production for the city. So I would like to check it out. Ironically enough, I was actually a huge fan of Constantine Maroulis back when he was on American Idol, yet have hated everything he has done on Broadway. I really don't know why...

8. In the Next Room (or the vibrator play): The title should explain enough, but just in case it doesn't...I just think this looks like a blast. Plus, Michael Cerveris is one of those few people who I would be happy to watch read the phone book to me...I just really enjoy everything that man does. And any show that is going to espouse the benefits of female sex toys, seems like something worth checking out. Plus it will have just opened, and I haven't seen a "new" show in a long time
9. Bye Bye Birdie: Yep, I want to see Uncle Jesse live on stage! What can I say? How many opportunities does one have to see that? Plus, I haven't seen a production of Bye Bye Birdie since a really bad high school one more than a decade ago, and I've been hearing positive buzz.

10. The Marvelous Wonderettes: I have a friend who RAVED about this show and I want to check it out, plus I have never seen an off-Broadway production.

So that's my will likely be tweaked over the next week or so, but so far, so good. It's pretty bad, examining the list of shows I realized that I could justify very solid reasons for seeing ALL of clearly I need to be careful or I'll be very broke.

It's been a busy week with lots to look forward to, some very exciting stuff planned for the weekend/week ahead but I'm keeping it quiet for now, hope to fill everyone in soon!

Also, a couple of plugs...if you aren't following me on Twitter yet, please do! It's

And while you are at it, consider following BWW Toronto as well, for all the latest and greatest news on what's happening on the Toronto scene:

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